What are Social Book Marks?
Social book marks enable a user to add, edit, annotate, and share web documents. A book mark is simply recording the reference link for a person to click on at a later time. The user can rename the site using a tag that they will understand the most. Google Chrome and other search engines allow a user to save a site they may wish to visit again by using the bookmark feature. The user can then put in something like “Netflix” as the tag. If the search engine is synced with other computers then the user can see all bookmarks. The bookmark can then be shared with other friends whose computers link. Social bookmarks are displayed on social sites like Facebook. If shared, friends can click on bookmarks from their friend’s page. It is tagging something for later on a website; it takes the web browser out of the equation when you use social bookmarking.
Uses of Social Book Marks
For the user you get to save your favorite sites and share them with friends. You can also tag interesting things and help share them with more people. Social bookmarking sites are set up to show you what is most popular in a category. It is also a way to find out which social tags are recently added. A good example would be Korean Drama sites. These sites have a streaming bookmark, in which users can stream what they are watching as a means of helping a show gain interest with other site users.
You also have bookmarking sites like Digg, Propeller, and Reddit. These are article book mark sites. You visit Digg to see what articles in politics, blogs, news, or technology are currently popular. The more popular an article the more likely it will appear on the homepage. If you add it to your account on this site, your friends can stop by and read the same article. Other users will also see the bookmark as the article rises in popularity.
From a blogger, article writer, or other online creator perspective the uses of bookmarks are to get noticed. You get noticed because users are doing exactly what is explained above. They are finding your article or submission and tagging it for their friends and other users. Users get to target what they want to see, and you get into the search by popular demand. It takes out the SEO of search engines by pinpointing readers specifically. You still have to become popular and use social media optimization techniques though.
How to Bookmark
Social tags can only become social if you are found online. You will need to use SEO techniques to make this happen. Your SEO is not for search engines this time, but for the bookmarking services. Consider it social media optimization. Keywords cannot be spammed. You are better off looking for one or two keywords such as a primary keyword with one or two secondary keywords. Write the article tightly around these words you have chosen to make your point.
The content must be something another person is going to want to read. Pets are talked about online on hundreds of sites from vaccinations to caring for your new pet. If you post an article, video, or other post online at a bookmarking site like Digg it must have value and not repeat information that can be found anywhere else. To a degree search engines will be used to find information by these same users. New users find Digg and other sites by search engines.
Your main purpose is to target users from Digg or other book marking sites. Tags and keywords are how you do this. With specific keywords your articles and blogs are found. You target what is popular on these social sites, finding a niche to discuss. You go around to other posts on these social sites and you start leaving well thought out comments.
It is not about hocking your writing on another person’s posts. You take what they have said and add to it. Your profile is already linked to your post. If someone finds your comment worthwhile they can follow your profile link to your posts. The user then decides your post is worthwhile, which means they book mark your page. You rise in popularity and the bookmark is shared with friends. Using social bookmarks is a cycle. The more you post the more chance you have to be found not only with new articles, but also with new comments on others’ pages.
A Note on Abuse of Bookmarking Services
Abuse of bookmarking sites happens too often. Abuse is posting nothing important such as taking an article and spinning it. A respun article already on the site might engage a reader if it is written in a better way; however, users will quickly learn that you are adding nothing new.
Abuse in the form of spamming your article with SEO keywords is another troubling factor. Adding in one keyword 20 times in 500 words is too much. It leaves little information to be said and definitely shows as spam. Instead, you need a tight article around proper keyword usage.
Comments are usually abused too. Writers posting only links to their articles on any person’s posts will be seen as a spammer. You need to choose posts that have a link to your work. Establish yourself as a worthwhile commenter by stating something from the article you read. Perhaps you disagree with the writer. Make the point as to why you disagree, with valuable insights. Make your comment like a debate or side with the person regarding what they said.
By offering up important information you tell other users that you care about other posters, but you also prove your own posts have something valuable to say.
Social book marks are designed to make things easier for the user. To utilize them for your website’s benefit, you must provide something worthwhile to the user. Make the user want to link with your information, create its popularity, and then go to your actual site. |