Forum Posting Services
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Forum Posting Services


How Would You Like To Shoot Fish In A Bucket?  Be Seen In Forums!

Forums are filled with highly engaged individuals discussing their passions and learning about new ways of improving themselves or their methods. These are people always looking for a solution to their problem in a given niche. So lets say you are an affiliate marketer for a VPN, web hosting forums are filled with people looking for bandwidth, secure networks, proxies, shared server space, IPs – all ready customers who will readily click on your affiliate link.

It is no secret that forum posts from active and reputable members generate a huge amount of traffic and sales via signature links or posts recommending a service. That is why thousands of ‘professional forumers’ exist for the entire purpose of being involved and pushing their services. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to tap into a huge market of interested and motivated prospects talking about your type of service or product!


  • We will post in forums which are in the niche of your website.  For example if your website is about webhosting, we will post in webhosting, webmastering, web developer type forums as far as possible
  • Posts will be natural-looking, relevant to the threads at hand to maximize exposure and engagement (you won’t get amateurish “LOL”, “thx 4 the share” posts that are begging for deletion by the mods, instead you will get professional thread-relevant posts like “I agree with @netcrawler but I have used free proxies before but there are several disadvantages including lack of security, unreliable connections, and the fact that they only change the IP of your browser, not applications or software.” 
  • Anchor Text will be usually in the signature area of the post


  • GENERATE HIGH QUALITY LINKS which are recognized by the search engines which place great importance in contextual backlinks
  • INCREASE ORGANIC TRAFFIC which will also improve your SERPs
  • GET SALES from people who are looking for what you have to offer
  • IMPROVE BRANDING by being seen over and over again in forums
(30 confirmed postings in forums related to your website)
PRO $150
(60 confirmed postings in forums related to your website)
PRO-PLUS $250 (90 + 10 BONUS confirmed postings in forums related to your website) $225.00

Important Notes:

  • Delivery 10 days (guideline only)
  • We regret that no refund is possible due to the intensive manual work involved


What is a Forum and How Can I Get Forum Back links?

A forum is one form of a CMS system that is used to open different threads and questions about particular topics. These particular scripts allow other users to respond and interact with the initial thread and with other users posts displayed as an inline format. A forum or message board is basically another variation of an interactive community that displays user content, threads, and posts per category and typically on one easy to read web page. Webmasters, business owners, and SEO/SEM companies have found that by creating a forum either on a separate domain / website or on a separate section of a website and will help contribute to attracting even more organic search engine traffic, more users, more authority contributed to website page rank, link popularity, and overall increased user interactivity throughout the entire website.

The most common methods for forum backlinking are a forum profile backlink, a thread or post with a backlink, and/or the forum signature backlink. Be advised that the actual forum backlink code is usually a little different than the standard HTML anchor link code. When setting up your forum accounts, forum signatures, and / or forum posts pay attention to how each forum or message board accepts these activities.


About Forum Posting

Forum posting is the act of engaging, interacting, and writing on a forum thread  by leaving a simple response to the thread or to a particular post by a user on the same thread. Posting on popular forums or industry related forums is another powerful method of engaging and interacting with new users , while  driving prospective clients to your website or business, on top of gaining more forum anchor links for your page rank and search engine marketing campaigns.

Be advised that a lot of forums and message boards are very aware of spam bots, forum backlink submitting software, and spammers looking for a quick place to slap a forum anchor link. These types of quick forum back link solutions are not recommended at all as you will end up getting your website and IP address flagged, de-listed, get your website listed on spam sites, and / or other negative actions brought upon you or your website. As most forums these days are aware of these spam tactics employed by devious people, the majority of popular forums have a limit of posts you must write before being able to leave one forum back link.

Always be aware of free forum posting software, forum link building software, and forum posting services. Simply do a little research on each before implementing these types of forum posting solutions.


SEO and Search Engine Marketing from Forum Marketing

Forums and message boards have always been popular channels for people to interact and communicate about specific topics, ideas, industries, and markets ever since the web was created. Furthermore, by adding these internet marketing channels as an additional medium for gaining more exposure and popularity, a website owner can benefit substantially and on numerous fronts through the different sub channels and options of outbound forum posting along with creating and managing your own forum. 

How to Create a Forum & How to Start a Forum?

Do you have an idea to start your own forum? Do you want to know how to create a forum? Setting up a forum may not be as complicated as you may think and there are several options when it comes to creating your own forum or creating your own message board. Creating your own forum posting site can be broken down into the following categories- a hosted free forum service, your own hosted forum that runs a free forum platform or message board platform, or on your own hosting that runs a paid for forum script or message board.

Listed below are some examples of the above highlighted forum site and message board site options-

1- Hosted Free Forum Services- a free forum hosting service allows users to register a free forum usually as a sub domain of the free forum creation service. These types of free forum hosting services are very similar to blog networks like, and many other free blogging websites; all allowing users to create and host their own blog or forum for free. Some popular free forum websites are as follows-,,,,,, and many other free forum hosting websites.

2- Hosted Free Forum Software and Free Forum Scripts– this option for running your own forum site or message board site requires you to first have your own paid for website hosting service. People who have their own hosting service can download and install a free and / or open source forum website script to their own host. This forum site hosting option allows a website owner a little more control and security over their hosting, their forum site, the forum threads, and the forum posts. Some of the more popular free forum and message board website scripts and free open source forum software are as follows-, Vanilla forums, PunBB, SimpleMachines, FluxBB, MYBB, Phorum, Bbpress, and many other free or open source forum scripts.

3- Hosted Paid For Forum Software and Forum Scripts- as this option for creating a forum is usually the best option for any website owner, it does cost money for the hosting, for the actual forum software or forum script, and also for any extended updates of the forum software after the initial update subscription runs out from the initial purchase. By installing, setting up , and managing your own paid forum website script on your own hosting, you will have full access to the forum coding, full management and moderation of your own forum, access to script and security updates of your paid for forum script, full control of your hosting settings, and the option of using a unique IP address for your forum. Some of the most popular paid for forum scripts that major companies and websites run and operate (that search engine crawlers love) are as follows- vBulletin,,

As highlighted and described above in numerous ways, forum marketing is most definitely a very effective, powerful, and efficient channel to leverage for onsite search engine optimization as well as for inbound one way backlinks for search engine marketing and authority SERP positioning.



Vividly beautiful and crisp graphic arts designing at its best comes right along with attention to detail and superb quality! Highly-talented and intuitive processes toward exactly what will go beyond expectations in terms of satisfying any customer’s needs, in my opinion. Even without describing too much, they certainly captured my artistic inner vision of what I desired to see, and then brought it to a radiant, dazzling Light of reality – this is no easy task. 
- Andrew C - Jacksonville FL

Once again you have impressed me with the speed of your service and quality of the banners. That looks brilliant thank you very much.
Sandra Cooper, Seattle, WA

We noticed a dramatic increase in traffic to our site, after contracting to create professional banner ads. The click through ratio was higher that any other campaign we had run before. Everyone is extremely pleased with the results.
Jack R. - Boise, ID

Being new to the Internet advertising market, not only created an effective campaign, but was there to explain the process and answer all questions. proved to be very knowledgeable, professional, and efficient. Thanks!
- Linda B - Dallas, TX



Some of Our Clients 
We can help any sized business, large or small

The banners look great! Let me run it past a business partner, doesn't look like we'll need any modifications, but will get back to you by tuesday morning.

Looks like I found the right company to handle all of Octabong's banners.
Nice work! - Anna W. Phoenix, AZ

The ads look excellent, by the way. We really love them.
Many thanks to you - and your team - for the speed with which it was done.
Warm Regards
John Rider, Las Vegas, NV


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