Buy Twitter Folowers Today!
We all now that the more "followers" you have on your Twitter page, the faster you can grow your page, and reach more people. We were getting tons of emails, asking if there was a way to increase the "followers" on there page, well now there is. We offer a service that will drive traffic to your fanbase, and grow the amount of followers you will be getting, quickly and efficently.

50,000 Twitter Followers
Delivered in 45-60 days.
Regular $1750 -
Best Value$500 |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 3-7 days
Regular Price$90 - NOW $50. |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 7-14 days
Regular Price$165 - NOW $95. |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 14-21 days.
Regular Price$325 - NOW $185. |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 21-35 days.
Regular Price$595 - NOW $345. |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 35-45 days.
Regular Price$995 - NOW $675. |

Get More Twitter Followers
Delivered in 60-90 days.
Regular Price$2995 - NOW $1495. |
Twitter® cannot be ignored....
it is now rivaling Google in terms of exposure on the internet.
If you don't already have one, your business needs a Twitter® account. Having a Twitter® account puts your business into a social arena where hundreds of millions of people worldwide are convening almost daily. With those kinds of numbers and that kind of exposure, you cannot afford to let this new opportunity for business pass you and your company by. Having a Twitter® account is a little like having a specialized email account that reaches direct to those people that have joined your Twitter® account by becoming "FOLLOWERS". The more followers you have, the bigger the base of your "social" exposure. This Fan base is where WE come in...
Your Twitter® "Fan" base is YOUR group of people that YOU have available to communicate with over and over.
People become familiar with you and your company thru repetition. The social advertising platform of Twitter® has become so valuable because it enables people in businesses to build relationships with other people thru communication and familiarity. Relationships are an essential element of growing your business. Twitter® followers are essential for success in the social marketing arena. Now, let us help YOU BUILD your Twitter® Fan base! We follow all Twitter® guidelines so your Twitter® page is never interrupted.
We Target Your Twitter® Fans to be either Worldwide Fans or be from the USA.
We can target either Worldwide followers or reach USA and Canadian Fans to join your Twitter® Fan page. We invite millions of Twitter members to join your Twitter fan page... If they are interested in what you have, then they will join your Twitter® Fan page. It is that simple. If they are not interested, then they will not join. This way, you get a targeted interested audience as your Twitter fan base! We do not provide incentives or ever pay others to join your Twitter® fan page... We do the invitations and followers join voluntarily. We will continue to invite Twitter® members to join your fan page until we get you the desired number of Twitter® followers you request.
All Twitter® Fan Building is Completed within the time specified for your selected order.
All orders are always completed within 60 days of Placing Your Order. Our service cannot be used to promote Twitter® APP pages. We will not accept Twitter® pages that promote hate, contain pornography, promote gambling or spamming of any kind. We reserve the right to disapprove any Twitter® account that we feel does not quite meet our level of quality.
Take Action Now!
Diversify your marketing strategy and include these elements of social advertising as part of your marketing strategy to deliver more traffic, sales and profits to your web business!
Don't have a Twitter® page yet?
No problem! We will take care of that for you too. We'll create a customized Twitter® Fan page on your behalf and give you full access to it once it has been created. The important thing is that you get started now! The social advertising train has left the station and the question is... are you on board? Act now! This is a quality service that is a solid investment in your business and it gives YOU the ability to have more social advertising exposure for your company regardless of what level you are at right now.
Viral Marketing Works Best With More Fans!...
Grow Your Social Network!
This is a monthly submission and linking service. You may cancel at any time. There is no specified or contracted time period. Remember it is important to submit your web site into the search engines on a regular basis or you may get dropped entirely from many major search engine databases. Once a month is the optimal service to having your site appear in over 1000+ of the most important search engines and internet listing directories! Just fill out the submission software 100% SECURE online order form!
* When one-way link building services are purchased, our technicians will make
every effort to target each of the links the best they can.
However, due to the nature of the business we cannot guarantee
that every link will be 100% targeted.
*We do not sell Placement in Search engines or Pagerank
links. We do not guarantee you will be number 1 in
Google or Yahoo by selling you "Sponsored"
Links. We assist clients in developing organic ranking
based on content of their website and target market.
| |
SEO Traffic Newsletter
Sign up for industry news, useful tips & special offers.

What is an organic listing?
Organic or natural 'listings' refers the non-paid section of Google, Yahoo or MSN. For long term promotion, organic optimization offers 'best' return on investment as well as 'top Internet' status. There is simply no higher place to be but at the top of Google (MSN,Yahoo) solely based on the value and integrity of your website!... Here are some facts to consider:
87% of referrals come from organic search results. Not Paid! (Jupiter Research)
Visitors are free - No cost per click!
Higher trust in natural listings
Organic listings are permanent
Ongoing ranking improvements
More traffic, more sales
Best ROI
Keyword Selection, Research and Analytics.
Determining valid keywords strings is derived from several sources. A throughout review of your website, your input (not mandatory but we strongly encourage it and
we will work with all suggested keywords as long as they are related to your website products/services), using
'keyword popularity' software and resources, running competitive analysis (best in practice competitors) and of course the use of our own internal database.
Building Sitemaps.
Sitemaps are crucial to deep indexing and overall
ranking. SubmitFrog.com's first map is a static HTML page created and installed to link all pages within your website. This map is built
based on search engine webmaster requirements and gives spiders/robots a clean and direct path to your pages
Google Sitemap...
Google is the largest Search Engine and Google accounts for over 45% of all searches.
SubmitFrog.com will create a dedicated XML (Google Friendly) file which is added to your website and stored on your server. This personalized page connects Google results in better crawl coverage for fresher search results.
Custom information about your web pages is spoon fed to Google which will improve your Google rank of all internal pages.
All SEO work prepared by SubmitFrog for your website is yours to keep permanently. You will have complete ownership of all optimized content and all generated static HTML pages (if applicable).
We can help any sized business, large or small
Customers in every state!
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming |
"Compared with October 2007 which was a Google spending high for us, this month represented a 94% decrease in Google Adwords spending with only an 11% decrease in order volume. Good stuff. Obviously I attribute this to the work you have done" - Andrew, Phoenix, AZ
"We are on first page of Google now (took us TWO YEARS) for our major search term. We thank SubmitFrog.com for this We were solid on SEO for 2 years, but I can definitively tell you now that SubmitFrog.com has pushed us up that one extra level (page) on Google."
- Robert, New York, NY
"Yes, since using your website submission service we have moved up..Wow. (we check) our keyword searches to see where we are and have been thrilled. Better yet, We know this is a direct result of your Business & Corprate SEO along with your Sitemap service. So Thanks So Much!"
- Sally, Los Angeles, CA
Get your Site listed on Yahoo! and appear at the top of search results on leading sites like Yahoo!, AllTheWeb, Ebay, and Alta Vista.
We deliver website promotion that lists your website in top 10 search engine ranking positions across Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, AOL, Excite, MSN AND MORE.
We work to attain over 300+ top 10 search engine rankings in some of the worlds largest search engines including Google / Yahoo as part of our search engine ranking services.
Affordable search engine ranking, optimization and website promotion packages that result in top rankings
Want 300+ top 10 rankings for your website? At SubmitFrog.com we provide both top 10 search engine ranking and promotion packages that can deliver 300+ top 10 positions either in the country where you conduct the most business OR worldwide.
7 Day Google Listing Guaranteed!
Get your website listed in Google in just 7 days - PLUS monthly rank building!
Google's your 1st Choice:
- 63% of All Searches
- 7.4 Billion Searches monthly
(Hitwise/Comscore US August 08)
SubmitFrog are Search Engine Marketing Specialists
Since 2004, we've been helping businesses boost their website traffic and generate more sales with our affordable search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising services.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
68% of searchers don't look past the first 10 results. Search engine optimization (SEO) helps ensure you're one of the first websites they see!
Get to the top of the search engine results is vital to generate traffic for your website. Our Basic Website Submission Package provides you with the fundamentals to improve your ranking in Google and other search engines.
The best of SEO and Google Advertising in one package.
The professional traffic package offers the best of our Search Engine Optimization and Google Advertising. It ensures top search engine visibility and guaranteed visitors to your website every month. Only $699.99/mo*