Our exclusive Blog Marketing & Promotion service creates original content, builds permanent links, improves your search engine rankings & generates targeted website traffic direct to your online business! Get
MORE customers NOW! |
Marketing Link!
Original Content for Weekly Blog Posts
Blog Promotion & Marketing
Build Permanent web Links from blogs |
<> We Create & Maintain TWO (2) Different Blogs for You
<> Your Blogs are Marketed via New RSS Feeds Every Week
<> Weekly - 400 Word Blog Posting - Written and Promoted on Your Behalf
<> All Blog Content is Social Bookmarked
<> Three Links per Blog Post Will Point Direct to Your Web Site
<> All Text Links Use Your Important Keywords
<> Get Web Site Exposure and a Steady Stream of Targeted Website Traffic
<> Boost Your Search Engine Rankings and Positions |
What is the Blog Marketing Service?
We will create 2 (two) different online blogs for you.
One blog is created from Google's blog and the second blog is created from a Wordpress blog. The Google blog is important to you because we know that Google will index those blogs regularly as new content is added into your blog. The Wordpress blogs are very search engine friendly and are also very important for many of the other top online search engines such as Yahoo and MSN. When we create each of these blogs for you, we will also utilize your most important keywords as part of the url paths for your blogs. This is important to you because your blogs will be regarded much better and your blogs content will rank much higher by the search engines for that particular subject matter as indicated by the text and keywords within your blogs url paths.
What Does This Service Include?
EVERY WEEK we will write 1 (one) interesting, informative and professionally written - 400 word blog post - on your subject matter and place it in one of your blogs.
We will alternate from one week to the next week placing blog posts in each of your two different blog sites. Each of these writings and blog posts will contain three different, relevant text links utilizing your important keywords and keyword phrases that you provide to us that will point direct to your website. Of course some of these links can point directly to your important interior web page urls. These text links will also be using variations of your important keywords so that your web site will grow in link popularity for all your relevant and related keywords. Also to to further add to the value of your blog, we will also place an occasional link to other relevant and related subject matter web sites that will add value to your blog and to your blog reader's experience. These may be links to sites like Wikipedia or Majon's article directory etc. Of course, you will have access to each of your blogs so that you can edit or change any blog posts that you desire. All blog postings are well written by our English speaking writers. You will get high quality 400 word blog posts that will drive targeted traffic to your site and give you blog marketing results!
How Will Each of My Blogs and My Blog Content Be Promoted?
EACH WEEK, we will do a submission for each of your blogs into another important RSS feed on your behalf.
As a leading internet marketing company we recognize that not only is it important to have blogs with new, high quality content being added regularly, but we also recognize that it is equally important to have your blogs promoted in various ways so that the top search engines and targeted readers will see, read and utilize this blog content and visit the links inside your blogs to arrive at your web site. This is another area where our professional knowledge and expertise of internet marketing gives you a strong boost ahead of the competition to help you grow your online business!
ALSO each week, when we post another new, well written blog posting into your blog on your behalf, we will also social bookmark those new blog posts into several key social bookmark sites on the web.
This will get your blogs newly written content quickly indexed and read by the search engines and better exposed to these top search engines and ultimately reach more targeted web visitors. This is blog promotion and blog marketing that is in addition to listing and indexing both of your 2 (two) blogs with new RSS feeds each week. This means that over time, all the important RSS feeds will learn and index your blogs and the search engines will be quickly informed of your blogs content with a boost from the social bookmarks. This one-two punch of RSS feeds and social bookmarks combined with original, informative 400 word content will provide blog marketing that will rocket launch your business. Remember that RSS feeds alone have very wide audiences of targeted readers, viewers and web site visitors. When you combine all of this together you get blog promotion that builds your business dramatically!
Why Do I NEED This Service!
Search engine friendly blogs have become one of the most important online web tools that are generating a tremendous amount of traffic and web site exposure from search engines and targeted visitors.
Active blogs drive targeted traffic to web sites as a result of the search engines listings they create. Additionally, tons of targeted online web visitors and readers look for blogs related to subject matter they have an interest in knowing more about.
By having two blogs that are both search engine friendly and that are search engine optimized for your subject matter and for all your important keywords, you are sure to establish your web site business as an authority on your particular subject matter...
Visitors that read your blogs will eventually visit your web site and make a purchase. Readers will become more familiar with your company and your business as well as it's products and services as time progresses.
You are building brand awareness and generating the MOST TARGETED TRAFFIC you could ever hope to find for your online business!
In addition, all blog postings and content information will be indexed almost immediately by the top and most important search engines. Each of these individual blog postings could potentially earn a top search engine position and ranking in these high traffic search engines for your important and relevant keywords! The end result, is that these blog posts and blog marketing can deliver a tremendous amount of traffic, sales and profits to your online web business from all the various links that are contained in your blogs.
More Good News! ... We Do ALL the Work for You!
Service NOW!!!
Since blogs and blog content are generally indexed by the search engines much more quickly than web sites, you will also be helping the search engines to find and spider your web site much more often from all the links that have been added in your blogs. More search engine visits to your web site mean higher web site rankings and more targeted visitors to your site. More importantly, all the extra new text links each week using your important and relevant keywords will also greatly boost your web sites' search engine rankings for those important keywords! This is not to mention all the extra traffic from all the new people and visitors that will be reading your new blog content. The end result... is that all this means much higher online sales and profits for your web site business! Get Blog Marketing and Blog Promotion service working for you today!
We Are One of the TOP Marketing & Advertising Companies!
At SubmitFrog.com we are considered one of the most popular marketing and advertising companies on the internet. We even rank at the top or very near the top of Google for important keywords and keyword phrases like Internet Marketing (this is arguably one of the most competitive keyword phrases in the world!) Don't you think we must know what we are doing to get that kind of web site exposure? Don't you think that we have understood the power of blog marketing and blog promotion for quite some time now? Here is your chance to stand on our shoulders of success and take advantage of our expert and seasoned professional web site promotion knowledge to get your web site business growing to new heights of sales and profits! Don't delay!
You NEED this Service for Your Success!
Take Advantage of this Limited Time Offer! |
Blog Marketing and blog promotion are an excellent way to build web links and develop a strong position on the internet for your online business. Link building services and website promotion are essential to grow your business on the web. Blog Marketing and Promotion have proven to be a highly successful method of driving targeted traffic and relevant search engine indexed text links straight to your web site! Receive targeted web site traffic and get more link popularity and build PERMANENT LINKS and relevant content that point direct to your web site with our blog marketing and blog promotion service. This blog marketing service provides high quality, internet marketing & targeted website exposure that will improve your website's search engine positions and rankings in all the top search engines! There is no contracted time period for this monthly blog marketing service so you may cancel this marketing and advertising service at any time - but when you see the results of this great blog marketing service you will agree that it is the best marketing, advertising and web site promotion that you ever purchased! Blog marketing and promotion delivers for both short term and long term web site promotion. Get more sales and profits today!
With Blog Marketing you get high quality,
targeted traffic & extra website exposure...
Improve your website's search engine positions and rankings
in all the TOP search engines! |
Blog Marketing & Blog Promotion Works to Build Higher Search Engine Rankings...
Web Site Exposure that builds
Regular price is $349.00 a month!
Act NOW for our LIMITED TIME Offer...
Only $175.00 Per Month!
There is NO contracted time period and you may cancel at any time
* When one-way link building services are purchased, our technicians will make
every effort to target each of the links the best they can.
However, due to the nature of the business we cannot guarantee
that every link will be 100% targeted.
*We do not sell Placement in Search engines or Pagerank
links. We do not guarantee you will be number 1 in
Google or Yahoo by selling you "Sponsored"
Links. We assist clients in developing organic ranking
based on content of their website and target market. |
What is an organic listing?
Organic or natural 'listings' refers the non-paid section of Google, Yahoo or MSN. For long term promotion, organic optimization offers 'best' return on investment as well as 'top Internet' status. There is simply no higher place to be but at the top of Google (MSN,Yahoo) solely based on the value and integrity of your website!... Here are some facts to consider: